When Life Gives You Lemons . . .

All twelve of my blog readers know I love a good party and that I am sucker for a good theme! Which means . . . it’s time for my one blog post for the year! As 2020 unfolded and started showing signs of, well, being 2020, I started to worry about how we could […]

August 4, 2020

DIY, Family, Parties, Personal, Uncategorized

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COVID-19 and Safety Information

I am so excited to be able to welcome back my clients and resume booking sessions in a limited capacity! Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I have put the following precautions in place to ensure the safety and comfort of my clients.  I want to reassure you, I am following all of the precautions and […]

May 22, 2020

Family, Newborn

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Our pARTy girl is THREE!

It’s that time of year again, when I fire up the blog for entirely self-serving purposes!  My youngest turned THREE today (forgive me, I’ll just be over here sobbing).  So in an effort to cheer myself up, I’m pretending people read my blog and that you’ll find as much joy in Milly’s art pARTy as […]

August 1, 2019

DIY, Family, Parties, Personal

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Alex is 6 Months Old!

As much as I hate the fact that my own children are growing up and turning into “big kids”, I love getting a front row seat to document the process for other families!  I was thrilled to get to shoot a 6 month session for baby Alex and her family! You may recognize Alex and […]

October 15, 2018


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How sweet it is to be TWO!

My sweet baby girl had the nerve to go ahead and turn two today.  She’s sassy and independent, so I shouldn’t be at all surprised that she would do such a thing!  Like a lot of moms, I spent our early days together in a tired, stressed out fog.  The realization that my BABY is […]

August 1, 2018

DIY, Family, Parties, Personal

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The Koch Family

I had so much fun with the Koch Family last week.    It was hot and it was almost bedtime for the most petite member of the family, but they were all troopers!  This extended family session was a Mother’s Day gift for “Grandma” – she doesn’t have an official title quite yet as they […]

June 14, 2018


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Style & Switch in OTR

Earlier this week I got to spend my morning in Washington Park with sister-in-law Kelly and my adorable niece Piper!  Kelly loves fashion and is all about looking great while simultaneously keeping her budget conscious husband happy.  Preach!!! 🙌🏻  She has decided its time to stop keeping all of her great fashion finds to herself […]

May 10, 2018

Family, Personal

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The Borne Family

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of meeting baby Alex and her family.  All 6lb, 2oz of Alex was absolutely adorable and I am so excited to share some of my favorite photos from their session!  We started in Alex’s nursery which was so full of sweet details and the perfect place to […]

April 17, 2018

Family, Newborn

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Eden Park Engagement

We braved the freezing cold and a persistent drizzle to make this session happen.  As they say, “the Save-The-Date must go on”!  I was a freshman in high school when I met Chase and he was in 5th grade . . . now he is getting married!?!  I officially feel old 😢  Molly is the absolute […]

February 13, 2018

Family, Personal

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Happy Groundhogs Day!

This session is an oldie (well, a few months oldie) but a goodie!  With the cold temperatures and grey skies, why not take a trip back in time to August when you couldn’t walk outside without breaking a sweat!  I adore this sweet family and can’t wait for sunny skies and an adorable 1 year […]

February 2, 2018


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